Message from the President

Nepal Chamber of Commerce is the pioneer business organization established after the democratic innovation in Nepal. Since its establishment from 1951 Nepal Chamber of Commerce is devoted in expanding chamber movement in Nepal. Under the umbrella of Nepal Chamber of Commerce Chamber movement has spread over the country. This is an organization of entities engaged in economic activities. Nepal Chamber of Commerce is always bridging between government and private sector and collaborating with the government in policy formulation on economic development of the country. The Chamber serves as an effective mode of communication and coordination between the regulatory bodies, the corporate and all other entire business sectors. The prime objective of the NCC is to assist in the development of national economy through the promotion and protection of industries and trade both in the private and public sectors. It has contributed significantly by playing a catalytic role in shaping up the trade and commercial environment of the country. NCC is working on creating a conducive environment for Nepalese businesses to make it competitive. Chamber has played a significant role in supporting the development of trade, commerce and industry along with promoting foreign direct investment. The Chamber provides service to its members for the enhancement of business activities. I certainly hope that this website would be instrumental in disseminating information regarding the chamber’s mission, vision, and activities.